Denzel Washington’s Career Kamikaze: Refused Working With a First Time Director, George Clooney Said Yes and $93M Movie Won a Whopping 7 Oscar Nods

Denzel Washington later regretted his choice later after watching the reaction to the George Clooney starrer Michael Clayton

Refused Working With a First Time Director, George Clooney Said Yes and $93M Movie Won a Whopping 7 Oscar Nods

There are movies George Clooney has made and then there are movies Denzel Washington has made. Both of them are renowned actors in their own unique paths in Hollywood. Both of them are successful and iconic. They have their individual fanbases and they stand as some of the most wonderful and liked actors in the industry.

Denzel Washington in The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021)

Denzel Washington in The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021)

One movie that connects them both also happens to be one of the biggest films in Clooney’s filmography. Michael Clayton, directed by Tony Gilroy became an instant hit, bagging a total of seven Oscars nods.

This was exceptionally surprising considering the fact that it was also Gilroy’s first movie. Ironically enough, Clooney’s role almost got into the hands of Washington, had it not been for the latter’s doubts.

Denzel Washington Rejected Tony Gilroy’s First Movie

When Tony Gilroy first pitched the idea of Michael Clayton, the actor he had in mind for the titular role was none other than Denzel Washington. When he was offered the role, he did not find any appeal towards the character nor was he very keen on starring in the film. One of the biggest reasons for the same had been because Gilroy was a first-time director at that time.

A still from the movie Michael Clayton, which Washington lost to Clooney

Michael Clayton

It was his debut film and the risk involved in such a film was not something the actor was willing to take. The film had a completely unique perspective but to work with a director who was neither renowned nor experienced with Washington was a trail of skepticism he could not follow.

Initially, George Clooney had also rejected the film for the same reason, finding the idea of working with a first-time actor sketchy. However, he eased into the idea, accepting the offer. This ultimately became a big hit for both Gilroy and Clooney in the best way possible.

Denzel Washington Regretted Rejecting the Film

Denzel Washington later admitted, (via GQ), that despite having rejected Tony Gilroy’s Michael Clayton, it was a massive mistake. The actor revealed that it had been a rare opportunity for him to get a script as interesting as that of George Clooney’s film.

“It was the best material I had read in a long time, but I was nervous about a first-time director, and I was wrong.It happens.”

He regretted saying no to the film. Had it not been for Gilroy’s first movie, he would have said yes without a second thought. However, it took him time to come to terms with the fact that some films just can’t come his way no matter what.