The boxing world is currently engulfed in a saga unlike any seen before, a bitter feud between Floyd Mayweather, Javante “Tank” Davis, and Ryan Garcia.

What started as a mentor-protege relationship between Mayweather, the undefeated legend, and Davis, the young rising star, has spiraled into a multi-pronged battle involving accusations, leaked videos, and legal disputes.


The seeds of discord were sown years ago when a young and hungry Davis walked into Mayweather’s gym, eager to learn and succeed in the world of professional boxing.

Mayweather, recognizing Davis’s potential, took him under his wing, guiding him through the intricacies of the sport. However, as Davis’s star began to rise, tensions between mentor and protege grew, eventually culminating in Davis’s departure from Mayweather’s camp.

The feud reached new heights with the leaked video showcasing Davis in an intimate encounter with Mayweather’s daughter, Yaya.

The timing of the leak, coming right after Davis’s departure, raised suspicions of a calculated move to humiliate Mayweather. Davis, however, claimed that the video was a distraction from the real issue at hand: Mayweather’s alleged exploitation of young fighters.

Davis’s accusations against Mayweather’s promotional practices struck a chord with many in the boxing community.

Former fighters who had signed under Mayweather promotions came forward with similar stories of unfair contracts and withheld compensation. Social media exploded with support for Davis and calls for Mayweather to be held accountable for his actions.

The saga took another unexpected turn with the involvement of Ryan Garcia, another young fighter once under Mayweather promotions. Garcia’s shocking social media post, claiming to have been with Mayweather’s daughter as well, further fueled the firestorm of accusations and speculation.

Mayweather, usually composed under pressure, found himself on the defensive as the allegations against him mounted. Despite his denials, the public remained skeptical, and sponsors began distancing themselves from the boxing legend.

As the legal battle between Mayweather and Davis rages on, the focus has shifted from a personal feud to a larger issue within the boxing industry. The power dynamics between promoters and fighters have come under scrutiny, with calls for transparency and fair contracts growing louder.

The Mayweather-Davis-Garcia saga has become a battle cry for change in professional boxing. Whether it leads to concrete reforms remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the boxing world will be watching with bated breath as this bitter feud continues to unfold.