The ongoing feud between comedian Cat Williams and television personality.

Steve Harvey has taken a dramatic turn, with Williams receiving support from an unexpected ally:

Steve’s ex-wife, Mary Harvey. As Williams continues to make explosive allegations against Steve.

Mary has stepped forward to corroborate his claims and shed light on her own tumultuous relationship with the renowned entertainer.

The feud between Williams and Harvey has been brewing for weeks, with Williams accusing Harvey of stealing jokes and perpetuating falsehoods about his rise to fame.

In a recent appearance on the Club Shay Shay podcast, Williams alleged that Harvey.

Had been plagiarizing his material for years, even going so far as to attend Williams’ shows to pilfer his jokes.

Williams also called into question Harvey’s rags-to-riches story, claiming that Harvey.

Had exaggerated his past hardships, including a period of homelessness, for dramatic effect.

Mary Harvey’s decision to publicly support Williams adds a new dimension to the ongoing conflict.

Mary, who was married to Steve during the period in question, has firsthand knowledge of the events and circumstances surrounding Williams’ allegations.

According to Mary, Steve’s rise to fame was not as humble as he claims, and his portrayal of their early years together is misleading.

Mary’s account of her relationship with Steve paints a picture of manipulation and betrayal.

She alleges that Steve cheated on her repeatedly during their marriage, ultimately leading to their divorce.

Despite her contributions to Steve’s career, including investing her life savings into his.

Comedy club venture, Mary claims that Steve left her financially destitute and emotionally shattered.

Furthermore, Mary accuses Steve of mistreating their son, Winon, and using him as a pawn in their custody battle.

She alleges that Steve physically abused Winon and poisoned his mind against her, ultimately resulting in Steve obtaining sole custody of their son.

Mary’s decision to align herself with Williams speaks to the depth of her grievances against Steve and her desire to see him held accountable for his actions.

By corroborating Williams’ allegations and sharing her own experiences, Mary hopes to shine a light on Steve’s pattern of deceit and manipulation.

As the feud between Williams and Harvey continues to escalate, the entertainment industry watches with bated breath, eager to see how the conflict will unfold.

With Mary Harvey adding her voice to the chorus of accusations against Steve, the stakes have never been higher for the embattled television personality.


In the court of public opinion, the truth will ultimately prevail, and those who have been wronged will have their voices heard.

As Williams and Mary Harvey join forces to expose Steve’s alleged misdeeds, the entertainment world braces for the fallout from this explosive confrontation.