Kanye est Unleashes Rant: Gratitude Mixed with Shade Aimed at Drake and Meek Mill

In one of his trademark rants, Kanye West took the industry by storm with a roller coaster of gratitude and shade aimed squarely at some big names.

Kanye West blast Drake and Meek Mill them live on IG - YouTube

Drake and Meek Mill found themselves directly in the firing line as Kanye expressed his appreciation for those who stood by him through thick and thin, such as Ty Dolla $ign.

Playboy Carti, and others who supported him during the creation of his “Vultures” album.

Particularly, he highlighted the success of “Carnival,” a song that shot to the top of the charts in no small part due to their contribution.

However, true to Kanye’s style, there was a flip side to the coin. He didn’t hesitate to call out those he felt had wronged him.

And boy, did he name names. Adidas found itself in the crosshairs, accused of ripping off Kanye’s designs and plotting his downfall.

Media outlets, fashion houses, and even supposed friends who turned a blind eye to his personal struggles weren’t spared either.

Let’s talk about Drake. Kanye didn’t hold back when it came to the Canadian superstar.

Accusing him of pulling a fast one by stealing Lil Durk right out from under him during the “Vultures” album rollout.

Lil Durk was a key player in Kanye’s plans, but Drake swooped in and announced that Durk would be joining his tour.

Leaving Kanye in the lurch just days before the album’s release. Talk about a low blow.

Of course, Drake being Drake, he didn’t let Kanye’s accusations ruffle his feathers too much.

Instead, he responded in typical Drake fashion with a cheeky meme featuring none other than 50 Cent.

Showing just how unbothered he was by the whole ordeal. But wait, there’s more.

Kanye’s beef isn’t just with Drake. Let’s not forget Meek Mill, who decided to reopen old wounds by revisiting their past social media beefs.

It seems like Kanye’s list of adversaries just keeps growing, and that doesn’t even scratch the surface of Kanye and Drake’s tumultuous history.

Rumors of Drake’s involvement with Kanye’s ex-wife Kim Kardashian and a laundry list of musical conflicts add to the complexity of their relationship.

From Drake’s subtle jabs in his songs to Kanye’s not-so-subtle callouts, it’s clear that these two have a relationship that’s more than a little rocky.

Where does that leave us? Well, with Kanye being Kanye, you can bet that this feud is far from over.

Whether it’s calling out industry giants or trading barbs with fellow artists, Kanye is not one to back down from a fight.

And with Drake and Meek Mill in the mix, things are bound to get even more heated before they cool down.

Despite Kanye’s controversial outbursts, there’s no denying his intellect and influence in the industry.

His music has served as a source of inspiration for many, even amidst the drama.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Kanye will navigate this latest chapter in his ongoing feud with Drake and Meek Mill.

In the meantime, the world watches with bated breath, curious to see what will happen next in the ever-entertaining world of Kanye West.

Your insights on Kanye’s latest outburst, especially his accusations against Drake regarding Lil Durk, are invaluable.

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