In the midst of ongoing tensions between Taraji P. Henson and Oprah Winfrey.

Rapper and entrepreneur 50 Cent has inserted himself into the controversy, adding fuel to the fire.

50 Cent & Monique Send STERN Message To Oprah For Taking Advantage Of Black  Actors - YouTube

The conflict erupted when Taraji spoke out against Oprah, accusing her of failing to provide fair compensation for her role in the film “The Color Purple.”

Taraji revealed that despite her significant contributions to the project, her salary remained stagnant.

Causing her to question the disparity in pay and contemplate walking away from the opportunity.

50 Cent wasted no time in publicly supporting Taraji, reposting articles that shed light.

On the issue and expressing his willingness to collaborate with her. This isn’t the first time 50 Cent has called out Oprah.

He has a history of criticizing her treatment of black entertainers, alleging that she.

Exploits their talents for personal gain and then disregards them once their usefulness has expired.

The rapper’s beef with Oprah dates back to his own experiences with her, including his unsuccessful attempts to secure a spot on her talk show.

Feeling snubbed by Oprah, 50 Cent accused her of harboring biases against hip-hop artists and criticized her for catering to a predominantly white audience.

Moreover, 50 Cent has rallied behind other black entertainers who have spoken out against Oprah, including Mo’Nique.

Who accused Oprah and filmmaker Tyler Perry of blackballing her in the industry after she raised concerns about unequal pay.

In a show of solidarity, 50 Cent offered Mo’Nique a role in his television series “BMF,” vowing to help her reclaim her place in the spotlight.

The rapper’s outspokenness against Oprah has sparked widespread debate and scrutiny of the media mogul’s actions within the entertainment industry.

Many have echoed 50 Cent’s sentiments, questioning Oprah’s commitment to uplifting.

Black voices and highlighting instances where she allegedly prioritized her own interests over those of black actors.

Critics argue that Oprah’s treatment of black entertainers reflects a broader pattern of.

Exploitation and tokenism within Hollywood, where black talent is often undervalued and marginalized.

They point to instances where Oprah has allegedly underpaid or mistreated black actors, perpetuating systemic inequalities within the industry.

In response to the backlash, Oprah’s representatives have defended her actions, insisting that she remains committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in entertainment.

However, the ongoing controversy surrounding her treatment of black actors has raised important questions about accountability and representation in Hollywood.

As 50 Cent continues to speak out against Oprah and advocate for fair treatment of black entertainers.

The conversation around racial equity in the entertainment industry is gaining momentum.

Whether Oprah will address the allegations and take steps to rectify the situation remains to be seen.

But one thing is clear: the fight for equality and justice in Hollywood is far from over.